Journal article 1473 views 282 downloads

Last glacial period cryptotephra deposits in an eastern North Atlantic marine sequence: Exploring linkages to the Greenland ice-cores

P.M. Abbott, A.J. Bourne, C.S. Purcell, S.M. Davies, J.D. Scourse, N.J.G. Pearce, Siwan Davies Orcid Logo, Peter Abbott Orcid Logo

Quaternary Geochronology, Volume: 31, Pages: 62 - 76

Swansea University Authors: Siwan Davies Orcid Logo, Peter Abbott Orcid Logo

DOI (Published version): 10.1016/j.quageo.2015.11.001

Published in: Quaternary Geochronology
Published: 2015
College: Faculty of Science and Engineering
Start Page: 62
End Page: 76