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Residential Anonymous Linking Fields (RALFs): a novel information infrastructure to study the interaction between the environment and individuals' health

S. E Rodgers, R. A Lyons, R Dsilva, K. H Jones, C. J Brooks, D. V Ford, G John, J.-P Verplancke, Caroline Brooks Orcid Logo, Sarah Rodgers Orcid Logo, Kerina Jones Orcid Logo, David Ford Orcid Logo, Ronan Lyons Orcid Logo

Journal of Public Health, Volume: 31, Issue: 4, Pages: 582 - 588

Swansea University Authors: Caroline Brooks Orcid Logo, Sarah Rodgers Orcid Logo, Kerina Jones Orcid Logo, David Ford Orcid Logo, Ronan Lyons Orcid Logo

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DOI (Published version): 10.1093/pubmed/fdp041

Published in: Journal of Public Health
ISSN: 1741-3842 1741-3850
Published: 2009
Online Access: Check full text

College: Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences
Issue: 4
Start Page: 582
End Page: 588