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Siedlungsformen und Dorfstrukturen im südöstlichen Europa [Settlement Patterns and Village Organization in South-East Europe, 500-1750] (pp. 193-238)

Robert Bideleux

Kontinuitäten und Brüche: Lebensformen – Alteingesessene – Zuwanderer von 500 bis 1500, Volume 12 of the Wieser Enzyklopädie des Europäischen Ostens, Volume: 12, Pages: 193 - 238

Swansea University Author: Robert Bideleux


This chapter deals with the evolution of Balkan settlement patterns, village organization and the Balkan economy from Late Antiquity through the Byzantine Empire to the rise and incipient decline of the Ottoman Empire.

Published in: Kontinuitäten und Brüche: Lebensformen – Alteingesessene – Zuwanderer von 500 bis 1500, Volume 12 of the Wieser Enzyklopädie des Europäischen Ostens
Published: Klagenfurt, Austria Wieser Verlag 2010
Abstract: This chapter deals with the evolution of Balkan settlement patterns, village organization and the Balkan economy from Late Antiquity through the Byzantine Empire to the rise and incipient decline of the Ottoman Empire.
Keywords: Byzantium, Byzantine Empire, Ottomans, Ottoman Empire, Serbia, Bulgaria
College: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Start Page: 193
End Page: 238