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Computational complexity with experiments as oracles. II. Upper bounds

E Beggs, J. F Costa, B Loff, J.V Tucker, Edwin Beggs Orcid Logo, John Tucker Orcid Logo

Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Volume: 465, Issue: 2105, Pages: 1453 - 1465

Swansea University Authors: Edwin Beggs Orcid Logo, John Tucker Orcid Logo

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DOI (Published version): 10.1098/rspa.2008.0412

Published in: Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
ISSN: 1364-5021 1471-2946
Published: 2009
Online Access: Check full text

Item Description: Proceedings of the Royal Society Series A 465
College: Faculty of Science and Engineering
Issue: 2105
Start Page: 1453
End Page: 1465