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Conference Paper/Proceeding/Abstract 963 views

Electric charge susceptibility in 2+1 flavour QCD on an anisotropic lattice

Giudice, Pietro, Aarts, Gert, Allton, Chris, , Hands, Simon, others, Gert Aarts Orcid Logo

Volume: "LATTICE2013", Start page: 492

Swansea University Author: Gert Aarts Orcid Logo


The FASTSUM Collaboration presents its first results for the electric charge susceptibility in QCD using 2+1 dynamical flavours of Wilson quark on anisotropic lattices. Spatial volumes of (2.94 fm)^3 are used at fixed cut-off with temperatures ranging from below T_c to ~2 T_c.

Published: 2013
Online Access:
Abstract: The FASTSUM Collaboration presents its first results for the electric charge susceptibility in QCD using 2+1 dynamical flavours of Wilson quark on anisotropic lattices. Spatial volumes of (2.94 fm)^3 are used at fixed cut-off with temperatures ranging from below T_c to ~2 T_c.
Item Description: @articleGiudice:2013fza, author = "Giudice, Pietro and Aarts, Gert and Allton, Chris and Amato, Alessandro and Hands, Simon and others", title = "Electric charge susceptibility in 2+1 flavour QCD on an anisotropic lattice", journal = "PoS", volume = "LATTICE2013", pages = "492", year = "2014", eprint = "1309.6253", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "hep-lat", SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:1309.6253;%%",
College: Faculty of Science and Engineering
Start Page: 492