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Particle creation and warm inflation

Gert Aarts Orcid Logo, Anders Tranberg

Physics Letters B, Volume: "B650", Issue: 1, Pages: 65 - 71

Swansea University Author: Gert Aarts Orcid Logo

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During cosmological inflation, it has been suggested that fields coupled to the inflaton can be excited by the slow-rolling inflaton into a quasi-stable non-vacuum state. Within this scenario of ``warm inflation'', this could allow for a smooth transition to a radiation dominated Universe...

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Published in: Physics Letters B
ISSN: 03702693
Published: 2007
Online Access: Check full text

Abstract: During cosmological inflation, it has been suggested that fields coupled to the inflaton can be excited by the slow-rolling inflaton into a quasi-stable non-vacuum state. Within this scenario of ``warm inflation'', this could allow for a smooth transition to a radiation dominated Universe without a separate reheating stage and a modification of the slow roll evolution, as the heat-bath backreacts on the inflaton through friction. In order to study this from first principles, we investigate the dynamics of a scalar field coupled to the inflaton and N light scalar boson fields, using the 2PI-1/N expansion for nonequilibrium quantum fields. As a first step we restrict ourselves to Minkowski spacetime, interpret the inflaton as a time-dependent background, and use vacuum initial conditions. We find that the dominant effect is particle creation at late stages of the evolution due to the effective time-dependent mass. The further transfer of energy to the light degrees of freedom and subsequent equilibration only occurs after the end of inflation. As a consequence, the adiabatic constraint, which is assumed in most studies of warm inflation, is not satisfied when starting from an initial vacuum state.
Item Description: @articleAarts:2007qu, author = "Aarts, Gert and Tranberg, Anders", title = "Particle creation and warm inflation", journal = "Phys.Lett.", volume = "B650", pages = "65-71", doi = "10.1016/j.physletb.2007.04.055", year = "2007", eprint = "hep-ph/0701205", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "hep-ph", reportNumber = "DAMTP-2007-7, SWAT-07-999", SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = HEP-PH/0701205;%%",
College: Faculty of Science and Engineering
Issue: 1
Start Page: 65
End Page: 71