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Conference Paper/Proceeding/Abstract 1116 views

Charmonium spectral functions in Nf=2 QCD at high temperature

Chris Allton Orcid Logo, Gert Aarts Orcid Logo

XXIVth International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LAT2006) - High Temperature and Density, Volume: 32, Start page: 126

Swansea University Authors: Chris Allton Orcid Logo, Gert Aarts Orcid Logo

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DOI (Published version): 10.22323/1.032.0126


Charmonium systems in two-flavour QCD at non-zero temperature are studied at, and above the deconfining transition. Using anisotropic lattices the MEM approach is used to extract spectral functions for these channels. By carefully varying some of the irrelevant parameters in the MEM procedure, we co...

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Published in: XXIVth International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LAT2006) - High Temperature and Density
Published: 2006
Online Access:
Abstract: Charmonium systems in two-flavour QCD at non-zero temperature are studied at, and above the deconfining transition. Using anisotropic lattices the MEM approach is used to extract spectral functions for these channels. By carefully varying some of the irrelevant parameters in the MEM procedure, we confirm that our systematic effects are under control. The eta_c and J/psi states are found to persist at temperatures >~ 1.3 T_c in agreement with our previous dynamical studies.
Item Description: @articleAarts:2006nr, author = "Aarts, G. and Allton, C.R. and Morrin, R. and Cais, A.P.O and Oktay, M.B. and others", title = "Charmonium spectral functions in $N_f$ = 2 QCD at high temperature", journal = "PoS", volume = "LAT2006", pages = "126", year = "2006", eprint = "hep-lat/0610065", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "hep-lat", reportNumber = "SWAT-05-475", SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = HEP-LAT/0610065;%%",
College: Faculty of Science and Engineering
Start Page: 126