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A Brief Summary of Carbon Nanotubes Science and Technology: A Health and Safety Perspective

P. Wick, M.J.D. Clift, M. Rösslein, B. Rothen-Rutishauser, Martin Clift Orcid Logo

ChemSusChem, Volume: 4, Issue: 7, Pages: 905 - 911

Swansea University Author: Martin Clift Orcid Logo

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DOI (Published version): 10.1002/cssc.201100161

Published in: ChemSusChem
ISSN: 18645631
Published: 2011
Online Access: Check full text

Item Description: @article clift2011,title = A brief summary of carbon nanotubes science and technology: A health and safety perspective,journal = ChemSusChem,year = 2011,volume = 4,number = 7,pages = 905-911,author = Wick, P. and Clift, M.J.D. and Rösslein, M. and Rothen-Rutishauser, B.
College: Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences
Issue: 7
Start Page: 905
End Page: 911