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Conference Paper/Proceeding/Abstract 929 views 127 downloads

OER Wales Cymru Project : A Collaboration to embed Open Educational Resources and Practice in the HE Sector in Wales

Deborah Baff Orcid Logo

ALT-C 2014 Association of Learning Technology

Swansea University Author: Deborah Baff Orcid Logo


This paper details the experience of bringing together all the universities across Wales to collaborate on a Higher Education Wales project to embed open educational resources (OER’s) and open educational practice (OEP) across the Welsh Higher Education Sector.

Published in: ALT-C 2014 Association of Learning Technology
Published: 2014
Online Access:
Abstract: This paper details the experience of bringing together all the universities across Wales to collaborate on a Higher Education Wales project to embed open educational resources (OER’s) and open educational practice (OEP) across the Welsh Higher Education Sector.
Keywords: Open Educational Resources; OER Wales Cymru
College: Professional Services