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Tracking the Seasonal Dynamics of Boreal Forest Photosynthesis Using EO-1 Hyperion Reflectance: Sensitivity to Structural and Illumination Effects

Rocio Hernandez-Clemente, Pasi Kolari, Albert Porcar-Castell, Lauri Korhonen, Matti Mottus

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume: 54, Issue: 9, Pages: 5105 - 5116

Swansea University Author: Rocio Hernandez-Clemente

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Published in: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
ISSN: 0196-2892 1558-0644
Published: 2016
Online Access: Check full text

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College: Faculty of Science and Engineering
Issue: 9
Start Page: 5105
End Page: 5116