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A general framework for sound assumption-based argumentation dialogues

Xiuyi Fan, Francesca Toni

Artificial Intelligence, Volume: 216, Pages: 20 - 54

Swansea University Author: Xiuyi Fan

Published in: Artificial Intelligence
ISSN: 00043702
Published: 2014
Online Access: Check full text

Item Description: *Originality:*This paper presents a formal model for argumentation-based dialogues between agents, using assumption-based argumentation (ABA) as the underlying argumentation framework. The presented model is the first comprehensive study on ABA dialogues. It is also the first comprehensive formal study on generic argumentation dialogue models.*Significance:*Dialogical argumentation has been one of main areas in argumentation. By the nature of the field, formally modeling the information exchange and conflict resolution process between agents is a crucial problem. Until this work, very few work has been published on this topic, with exceptions being [Prakken 2006] and [Black 2009]. However, each of these two works focuses on a single type of dialogue and uses a different argumentation formalism. Our work, with its underpinning in ABA, is not restricted to any specific dialogue types and can be used to support a wide range thereof.*Rigor:*We prove a formal connection between dialogues and three well-known argumentation semantics, thus our model is a distributed mechanism for computing these semantics. All results are shown with full proofs.
College: Faculty of Science and Engineering
Start Page: 20
End Page: 54