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Conference Paper/Proceeding/Abstract 971 views 99 downloads

A success story of funding and delivering Erasmus Mundus postgraduate study programmes in the College of Engineering at Swansea University – 2007 – present.

Clare Wood Orcid Logo, Antonio Gil

Swansea University Author: Clare Wood Orcid Logo


This session will aim to present how, from 2007 to the present day, a broad-reaching programme of postgraduate Erasmus Mundus Masters and Doctoral training was developed by the College of Engineering at Swansea University in collaboration with an international consortium of HE and Industry partners....

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Published: Manchester HEA Annual Conference 2017: Generation TEF: Teaching in the spotlight 2017
Online Access:
Abstract: This session will aim to present how, from 2007 to the present day, a broad-reaching programme of postgraduate Erasmus Mundus Masters and Doctoral training was developed by the College of Engineering at Swansea University in collaboration with an international consortium of HE and Industry partners. This session will explore the processes involved from inception to completion, namely, forming the consortium, securing EM funding, recruitment and delivery of the programmes, with a final consideration of what participation in the EM programmes has meant for our graduates in terms of training, employability and student experience.
Keywords: Erasmus Mundus, mobility, computational mechanics, international consortia, industry-linked training
College: Faculty of Science and Engineering