Journal article 857 views

Digit ratio (2D:4D), myocardial infarction and fibrinogen in men

J.T. Manning, P.E. Bundred, A. Kasielska-Trojan, T. Smith-Straney, L. Mason

Early Human Development, Volume: 133, Pages: 18 - 22

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Background: Digit ratio (2D:4D: a correlate of prenatal testosterone and oestrogen) is sexually dimorphic withmales<females. High 2D:4D may be associated with early myocardial infarction (MI). Fibrinogen shows sexdifferences (males>females) and is associated with coronary heart disease (CHD),...

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Published in: Early Human Development
ISSN: 03783782
Published: 2019
Online Access: Check full text

Abstract: Background: Digit ratio (2D:4D: a correlate of prenatal testosterone and oestrogen) is sexually dimorphic withmales<females. High 2D:4D may be associated with early myocardial infarction (MI). Fibrinogen shows sexdifferences (males>females) and is associated with coronary heart disease (CHD), the incidence of which is also sexdependent (males>females). Aims: We considered the relationship between 2D:4D, levels of fibrinogen and age at MI.Study design: Digit lengths, height, weight, smoking history and Townsend scores were recorded. Levels of fibrinogenwere measured for 150 patients and 140 age-matched controls. Subjects: The sample consisted of 441 men (301patients who had experienced an MI, 140 controls). Results: Right 2D:4D was positively correlated with fibrinogen inthe controls as was right and left 2D:4D in the total sample. Multiple regression analysis showed right and left 2D:4Dwere positively correlated with fibrinogen in the total sample independent of MI status, age, BMI, smoking history andTownsend scores. Right 2D:4D and right-left 2D:4D (Dr-l) were negatively correlated with age at MI, independent ofBMI, smoking history, and Townsend scores. The MI and control groups did not differ in their 2D:4D. Conclusion: Menwith low 2D:4D tend to have low levels of fibrinogen independent of MI, age, BMI, smoking habits and socioeconomicstatus. Right 2D:4D and Dr-l were negatively related to age at MI but there were no differences in 2D:4D between theMI and control groups. We discuss the implications of our findings for relationships between 2D:4D, MI andperformance in endurance sports in men.
Keywords: Digit ratio; 2D:4D; Myocardial infarction; Fibrinogen
College: College of Engineering
Start Page: 18
End Page: 22