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A Virtual Testing Strategy to Determine Macroscopic Properties of Elasto-Plastic Heterogeneous Composite Materials / MAHSHID RANJBARESTALKHJANI


DOI (Published version): 10.23889/SUthesis.59101


The objective of this work is to determine an e˙ective yield criteria for porous pressure sensitive solids and investigate the anisotropic yield behavior by employing a virtual testing strategy. The work is concerned with the pressure sensitivity typically displayed by geometarials, such as sandston...

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Published: Swansea 2022
Institution: Swansea University
Degree level: Doctoral
Degree name: Ph.D
Supervisor: Peric, Djordje
Abstract: The objective of this work is to determine an e˙ective yield criteria for porous pressure sensitive solids and investigate the anisotropic yield behavior by employing a virtual testing strategy. The work is concerned with the pressure sensitivity typically displayed by geometarials, such as sandstone and composite materials consisting of a series of parallel layers, such as sedimentary rock and underground salt.Virtual testing strategy is based on computational homogenization approach for the definition of the elasto-plastic transition. Representative volume elements (RVEs) containing single-centered and distributed ellipsoidal voids are analyzed using three-dimensional finite element models under both small and finite strains. Yield curves are obtained following a unified variational formulation, which provides bounds on the e˙ective material properties for a given choice of the Representative Volume Element (RVE).In order to estimate the e˙ective properties of porous solid, the constitutive behavior of the continuum matrix is assumed to follow the standard Drucker-Prager elasto-plastic model. The computationally generated e˙ective yield criteria are compared against the recently proposed analytical estimates for Drucker-Prager type solids and the SR4 constitutive model for soft rocks. The developed computational approach is applied to estimate the e˙ective properties of a realistic rock sample. To illustrate a wide range of potential engineering applications, the computationally e˙ective yield surface are also obtained under the explicit finite element method.Finally, based on the simulated yield stress point of composite materials, the pa-rameters for proposed analytical models are acquired with ellipse fit by Taubin’s method.
Keywords: Multi-scale, Yield criterion, Computational homogenisation, Virtual testing, Porous elasto-plastic materials
College: Faculty of Science and Engineering