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Stochastic sensitivity analysis using preconditioning approach

Rajib Chowdhury

Engineering Computations

Swansea University Author: Rajib Chowdhury

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DOI (Published version): 10.1108/02644401011073683

Published in: Engineering Computations
Published: 2010
Item Description: High-dimensional model representation (HDMR) is a general set of quantitative model assessment and analysis tools for capturing the high-dimensional relationships between sets of input and output model variables. It is an efficient formulation of the system response, if higher-order cooperative effects are weak, allowing the physical model to be captured by the lower-order terms. The paper's aim is to develop a new computational tool for estimating probabilistic sensitivity of structural/mechanical systems subject to random loads, material properties and geometry.This paper won the Outstanding Paper Award from the 2011 Emerald Literati Network as Awards for Excellence.
College: Faculty of Science and Engineering