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The Egg in the Triangle: Poetics of Motherhood, Sexuality, and Place / GUINEVERE CLARK

Swansea University Author: GUINEVERE CLARK


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    Copyright: The Author, Guinevere Clark, 2023. Distributed under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY 4.0).

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DOI (Published version): 10.23889/SUthesis.64626


The Egg in the Triangle presents three poetry collections: Gift of Venus, King Mattress, and Bone Maker, which explore the subject intersections of motherhood, sexuality, and place. Concepts derived from matricentric feminism and liminality support the framework of this exegesis. I draw on creative...

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Published: Swansea, Wales, UK 2023
Institution: Swansea University
Degree level: Doctoral
Degree name: Ph.D
Supervisor: Kellermann, Alan. and Donahaye, Jasmine.
Abstract: The Egg in the Triangle presents three poetry collections: Gift of Venus, King Mattress, and Bone Maker, which explore the subject intersections of motherhood, sexuality, and place. Concepts derived from matricentric feminism and liminality support the framework of this exegesis. I draw on creative writing – including poetry, prose poetry and memoir – from the late 20th century to the early 21st century to explicate my three main study themes and poetry collections. A theoretical model, developed within the exegesis, entitled, ‘The Egg in the Triangle: Model of Analysis for Creative Writing on Motherhood’, is demonstrated. Derived from transformative and diametric aspects of maternal epistemology, the model features and explores ‘egg space’. As vital academic territory, ‘egg space’ focuses on creative interplay among texts’ oppositional forces. The model foregrounded in this exegesis can be used as a template to aid decision-making and analysis in creative writing praxis. By using the model with new subject trios, creative writers are invited to evolve ideas and interests, whilst using ‘egg space’ as a site to challenge and expand theories surrounding binary relationships. I show how content and form in poetry are examined using the model interchangeably to highlight tripartite perspectives and literary negotiations of in-between or liminal spaces. The creative and critical work undertaken in this PhD aims to impact wider creative, social, academic, and cultural projects interested in contemporary experiences and expressions of mothering, single mothering, feminism, survivor-narratives, states and places of transition or transformation, domestic abuse, birth trauma, gender inequality, romance, sexual behaviour, and sexual attitudes in the early 21st century.
Keywords: Creative Writing PhD, Poetry PhD, Motherhood, Sexuality, Place, Liminality, Creative Writing Model, Creative Writing Template, Feminism, Matricentric Feminism, Post-Porn, Post-Porn Poetry, Poetry on Motherhood, Poetry on Sexuality, Poetry on Place, ‘Egg Space’, The Egg in the Triangle, Guinevere Clark, Guinevere, Poetry on Gender, Gender Inequality, Single Parenting, Poetry on Single Parenting, Domestic Abuse, Poetry on Domestic Abuse, Maternity, Maternal Poetry, Creative Writing Exegesis, Gift of Venus, King Mattress, Bone Maker, Survivor Narratives, Birth Trauma, Poetry Exegesis, Poetry on Birth
College: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences