Journal article 1476 views 204 downloads

Solving the shepherding problem: heuristics for herding autonomous, interacting agents

D. Strombom, R. P. Mann, A. M. Wilson, S. Hailes, A. J. Morton, D. J. T. Sumpter, A. J. King, Andrew King Orcid Logo

Journal of The Royal Society Interface, Volume: 11, Issue: 100, Pages: 20140719 - 20140719

Swansea University Author: Andrew King Orcid Logo

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DOI (Published version): 10.1098/rsif.2014.0719

Published in: Journal of The Royal Society Interface
Published: 2014
Item Description: Cross-disciplinary research at the interface between the physical and life sciences. Top 10 most downloaded article in R. Soc. Interface in 2014. This paper resulted in the largest amount of press attention Swansea University has ever had for a scientific publication. It led to senior author King giving >15 TV and radio Interviews around the world. He reached >4 million on TV (e.g. BBC National News), >150 million on radio (e.g. BBC World Service, BBC UK Radio), and >25 million in print (e.g. Time Magazine, The Telegraph, The Independent).
College: Faculty of Science and Engineering
Issue: 100
Start Page: 20140719
End Page: 20140719