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Women’s Literary Culture and Late Medieval English Women's Writing, ed. with Diane Watt. Special issue of The Chaucer Review. Contains co-written Introduction by McAvoy and Watt (pp. 3-10) and journal article written solely by McA...

Liz Herbert McAvoy

51, Volume: 1

Swansea University Author: Liz Herbert McAvoy


This Special Issue challenges traditional notions of women's contribution to the English literary canon, arguing that medieval women's literary culture was crucial to the production and the shaping of wider literary culture and the canon during the Middle Ages and beyond.

Published in: 51
ISBN: 0000000000
Published: Philadelphia, Pennsylavania, US. Penn State University Press 2017
Abstract: This Special Issue challenges traditional notions of women's contribution to the English literary canon, arguing that medieval women's literary culture was crucial to the production and the shaping of wider literary culture and the canon during the Middle Ages and beyond.
Item Description: Co-editor - Women’s Literary Culture and the Late Medieval English Canon with Diane Watt, with co-authored Introduction to special issue of The Chaucer Review (‘Medieval Women’s Literary Culture and the Canon’) and essay solely by Liz Herbert McAvoy, ‘”O der lady, be my help”: Women’s Visionary Writing and the Devotional Literary Canon
Keywords: Medieval Literature; Women's Writing; the Canon; Visionary Literature; Women's Literary Culture
College: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences