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Formative vs summative assessment: Does motivation for continuous learning lead to better results?

Samantha Burvill Orcid Logo, Kate Organ Orcid Logo, Sarah Owens Orcid Logo

Swansea University Authors: Samantha Burvill Orcid Logo, Kate Organ Orcid Logo, Sarah Owens Orcid Logo


Encouraging students to engage in learning throughout the entire module is challenging for many educators. Students often chunk their revision and centre learning around assessment dates. This results in students learning purely for assessment, rather than absorbing, critically evaluating and unders...

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Published: Manchester 8th Annual Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Conference 2020
Abstract: Encouraging students to engage in learning throughout the entire module is challenging for many educators. Students often chunk their revision and centre learning around assessment dates. This results in students learning purely for assessment, rather than absorbing, critically evaluating and understanding concepts. This paper discusses the use of an interactive e-book (Revel) to overcome this. Revel was adopted for two masters degree cohorts. One used Revel voluntarily, the other awarded students marks for completing the activities. The study provides insights into whether or not this innovative method of summative assessment, which can be facilitated on a mass scale, enriches the learning experience and improves marks.
Keywords: Formative assessment, summative assessment, e-learning, interactive e-book, student motivation
College: School of Management