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The Place of Native Populations in the Chartered Towns of Conquered Regions: Wales and Prussia as a Comparative Case Study

Roman Czaja, Matthew Stevens Orcid Logo

Towns on the Edge in Medieval Europe: The Social and Political Order of Peripheral Urban Communities from the Twelfth to Sixteenth Centuries, Pages: 21 - 45

Swansea University Author: Matthew Stevens Orcid Logo

DOI (Published version): 10.5871/bacad/9780197267301.003.0002


This introduction surveys the current state of research regarding medieval comparative urban history and the unique nature of the communities that formed at the peripheries of northern Europe. It sets out the volume’s central hypothesis, which asserts that the relationship between the European '...

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Published in: Towns on the Edge in Medieval Europe: The Social and Political Order of Peripheral Urban Communities from the Twelfth to Sixteenth Centuries
ISBN: 9780197267301 9780191976711
Published: Oxford British Academy 2022
Online Access:
Abstract: This introduction surveys the current state of research regarding medieval comparative urban history and the unique nature of the communities that formed at the peripheries of northern Europe. It sets out the volume’s central hypothesis, which asserts that the relationship between the European 'core' and its colonised 'peripheries' was based, on the one hand, on the transfer of core models and forms of urban life, and, on the other hand, on their constant modification and adjustment to local needs and conditions. It presents the concept that these latter processes led to the creation of new forms of urban life, embodying unique societies, not simply the replication of ‘core’ urban communities. A brief history of colonisation and urbanisation is provided for each of the four regions to be examined: Ireland, Wales, Prussia and Livonia. The volume’s method is indicated; each chapter comprises a case study comparing at least two regions.
Keywords: case study, colonisation, core, periphery, Prussia, Livonia, Wales, Ireland, urban communities
College: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Funders: The British Academy, National Science Centre, Poland (Narodowe Centrum Nauki), Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej)
Start Page: 21
End Page: 45