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Conference Paper/Proceeding/Abstract 940 views

Embedding authentic assessment in a Pre-Registration BSc Nursing curriculum

David Gallimore Orcid Logo

The Higher Education Academy Annual Health and Social Care Conference 2016

Swansea University Author: David Gallimore Orcid Logo


The aim of this presentation will be to detail the new assessment strategies that have been introduced in the Pre-Registration BSc nursing curriculum at Swansea University since the revalidation in 2012. One of the guiding principles of this revalidation was to introduce a new approach to teaching a...

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Published in: The Higher Education Academy Annual Health and Social Care Conference 2016
Published: Glasgow 2016
Abstract: The aim of this presentation will be to detail the new assessment strategies that have been introduced in the Pre-Registration BSc nursing curriculum at Swansea University since the revalidation in 2012. One of the guiding principles of this revalidation was to introduce a new approach to teaching and assessment for this programme. As nursing is a practice based profession it was considered that authentic assessment would be an appropriate choice. The presentation will consider the key elements of authentic assessment and how these are relevant to the educational development of student nurses. The key healthcare related drivers for these assessments will be outlined. There will then be a report the two assessments already established in the curriculum, and the outline of a proposals for a third. Evaluations of the assessments, including the barriers encountered and feedback from the students will also be covered.
Keywords: Authentic assessment, nursing, student presentations, OSCE
College: Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences